Thomas BAPTISTE-WEISS, Osteopath DO, Integrative Health & WELLNESS Innovation Platform

58 Rue de la République Lyon

Thomas BAPTISTE-WEISS,is Osteopath, specialized in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, He is the center’s founder and director, was a trainee and clinical research assistant at the Édouard Herriot Hospital in Lyon from 1998 to 2004 – formerly service of professor Jean-Michel Dubernard – services of urology, transplantation, and pain center for patients suffering from chronic pain with Doctor Christian BAUDE. Anesthesiologist specializing in pain – he specialized in sexual and reproductive medicine with Mrs. Béatrice CUZIN on the care of patients suffering from erectile insufficiency and chronic pelvic pain in men and women. He has a DIU certificate in tropical medicine and parasitology from the Lyon Faculty of Medicine, a DIU in Epidemiology Methods and Practices ” ISPED / University of Medicine / Bordeaux 2 (Specialization: Brain epidemiology / Mental Health in Tropical Contexts).