Sirius Energy Enterprises
P.O. Box 1412 Palmer AK 99645
As a Spiritual Teacher, Seer, Energy Intuitive Guide, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher & Spirit Speaks Radio Show Host on the Voice America, 7th Wave Network, I support people who are actively developing their fullest potential. I do this by teaching healing modalities, and intuitive development through the honoring and awareness of Self. Spirit Speaks is about helping people to live better lives, by living their truth and becoming spiritually aware through love, peace, healing, inspiration, validation and knowledge. The spiritual advice that was given is channeled from Divine Source. I had my listeners consider the Teachings of Light that have manifested through me and we discussed the Teachings. I offered a channeled Soul Reading on each Show and discussed Spiritual Truths and Healing of Self. This is my Life's work and I was born to be of service to Jesus, the Christ and the Light. I also facilitate Spirit Group - MatSu Valley in Palmer, Alaska. You may find the information on and it is titled Spirit Group - MatSu Valley.