Optimize your Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit experience with these topic tracks
Introducing: topic tracks!
“Tracks” are similar to when you attend an in-person conference, where you often have the opportunity to choose a more specific subset of lectures geared toward your interests.
We’re hoping to help alleviate some of the time pressure from our events by curating topic tracks.
If you choose this route for the Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit, you can move through the event in a way that allows you to efficiently learn what you want to learn from it. The track programs include specific talks and timestamps — curated just for you — to help you plan your week.
—>>Download your complimentary Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit topic tracks!
You’ll have the opportunity to choose one or all three of these tracks:
Physiology Talks Track
The vagus nerve does a lot more than you think. This track explores its connection to your physiology, including sleep, digestion and chronic illness. Learn from our experts about how diet, including detox, and lifestyle can help ease symptoms tied to the vagus nerve.
Optimization Talks Track
When we learn to optimize vagus nerve function, so many things in our body can improve. This track explores ways to stimulate your vagus nerve for a healthier life.
Mind-Body Talks Track
When your mind and body aren’t in harmony, you experience disease and other health issues. Learn about the connection to the vagus nerve and how to make it work better for you in this track.
These topic tracks offer you the chance to narrow your focus and find the talks and speakers most relevant to your interests and needs.
—>>Gain immediate access to the Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit topic tracks now!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit taking place on August 16-22, 2021, where over 40 experts will teach you how to ACTIVATE the vagus nerve to REBALANCE your nervous system and help boost your immune system and overall health!
Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!
P.S. Don’t miss these complimentary Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit topic tracks, when you unlock them now!