Meeting Point Community Acupuncture

1224 Washington Ave, Suite 40 Golden CO 80401

We are committed to providing the highest quality healthcare experience possible and strive to make acupuncture an affordable option for everyone. We do that by offering a sliding scale of $20-$40, you pay what you can afford on that scale (+$15 for initial visit). Community Acupuncture is acupuncture performed in a community setting, the way it has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Our clinic is modeled after Working Class Acupuncture, a community clinic in Portland, OR. At Meeting Point we have a beautiful semi-private community rooms with several massage tables and recliners. In this setting several people can receive treatments at the same time; this creates a healing energy (Qi) and allows us to keep the treatments affordable. We talk in low voices in the community room in order to respect privacy.